
Our Mission & vision help focus us on where we want to go, but say nothing about how we should get there and who we want to be. Our enjoyment of our time together and our ability to attract outsiders depend not only on where we’re going but also on who we are and how we get there.

As with our mission & vision, living our values is very different from stating them:

Everyone—internally and externally—should know “who we are” and “what we’re about”. The more consistent we are in our actions & words, the quicker people will learn, the more deeply they will understand, and—if it resonates—the more committed, aligned, and focused they will be when they join. To be consistent in our actions and words as a team, we must have a clear, joint idea of what we want to be consistent about. This ultimately boils down to a handful of words we all believe capture the essence of who we are and what we’re about. It is true that actions speak louder than words. But words precede actions and thus must be taken just as, if not more, seriously.

Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.


Concise and authentic values that are frequently used and referenced internally and externally.


Values, when used properly, become the backbone of culture. In order to function properly, values must be well-defined and explicitly embedded into our decision making frameworks (e.g. roadmapping, hiring, reviewing, firing). We must regularly celebrate them. Every person in the organization should be able to question or challenge any decision on the grounds of value-alignment. On values, we cannot tolerate misalignment. Our values are the ultimate scoreboard by which we must hold ourselves accountable, even more so than our financial success as a business (if we “win” by sacrificing our values, we have not won at all).


We value being good, radical candor, focus, excellence, extreme ownership, and renewal/play.