
Startups are fundamentally movements, and the power of any movement comes down to 1/ how many people are involved and 2/ how committed, aligned, and focused those people are. While it is very easy for our small group of committed people to align and focus, it becomes exceedingly difficult as our group scales. The only way this can be resisted is by making our destination crystal clear.

Everyone—internally and externally—should know “who we are” and “what we’re about”. The more consistent we are in our actions & words, the quicker people will learn, the more deeply they will understand, and—if it resonates—the more committed, aligned, and focused they will be when they join. To be consistent in our actions and words as a team, we must have a clear, joint idea of what we want to be consistent about. This ultimately boils down to a handful of words we all believe capture the essence of who we are and what we’re about. It is true that actions speak louder than words. But words precede actions and thus must be taken just as, if not more, seriously.

Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.


Concise, articulate, and authentic mission and vision statements that are frequently used and referenced internally and externally.


We must sear the below words into our brains. We will litter them throughout our docs. We will talk about them when we’re in person. We will explicitly consider them in every decision we make from roadmapping to hiring to building to marketing.

What is our mission?

Our mission is to help people take control of their earnings.

What is our vision?

We believe in a world without gatekeepers, a world where nothing comes between you and your earnings. We believe you should be able to easily choose how your earnings are received, stored, and spent. And we are building software to make this world a reality.

What do we do today?

Splits builds financial infrastructure for onchain teams. We provide simple money legos, intuitive interfaces, and reliable developer tools that make it easy to receive, route, transform, and manage earnings across the internet.